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SoLive Podcast

Updated: Nov 24, 2020

Click here to listen the episode of the SoLive podcast that I was featured in!

"Michelli Ramon is psychotherapist and social worker who works in the arena of women and girls mental health. Her passion for this field stems from her personal journey with trying to understand her own depression, which was something that took many years to diagnose, since, from the outside looking in, it always looked as if her life was “together”. In recognizing it often takes, on average, 10 years for women to receive a proper diagnosis (since women tend to unintentionally “hide it well” by going on with life and continuing to take care of their responsibilities), she’s working to change this by utilizing information that will help get to the root of what is going on in a much shorter timeframe. One of the ways she does this is by asking her clients to get a metabolic panel done before her first session with them. This gives deep insight into the body’s chemistry so things like gut function (which affects mental health) can be understood from the outset. She’s also deeply interested in understanding her client’s sleep patterns since this directly impacts mental health, as well.

She’s also adamant about turning the idea of self-care on it’s head so it’s no longer an item for women to check off their list of things to do (or to feel guilty about if it doesn’t get done) by helping her clients understand that self-care is really about understanding and designing their life around their values.

With the stress of achievement that so many young people face today, Michelli is also working with girls (and their parents) to help shape what is most important to them by aiding them in identifying their values and using these values to design and shape their commitments around.

When working with clients, Michelli is about love, self-compassion, radical acceptance, embracing failure, trusting your innate wisdom and starting over. She fundamentally believes in every person's ability to recover from trauma, addiction and life, in general. She believes that everything you put in your body impacts your mood and, therefore, your relationship to the world around you. She offers thorough and thoughtful therapies that treat the whole person. See her website ( for more information on her services."

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