We do good therapy, workshops and other magical shit.
bird & branch, pllc
We have two therapists, each with different levels of experience, specialty and training. The price for therapy depends largely on which therapist you select and how long your session lasts. Typically sessions are 50 minutes, but longer and shorter options are available. We use a co-therapy approach. That means, regardless of who your primary therapist is, you have access to both of us.
Michelli is our Senior therapist and the owner of Bird & Branch. She has over 20 years experience in women's mental health and is regarded as one of San Antonio's leading experts in children's mental health.
Her rates start at $185
Amber has been with Bird & Branch for nearly two years. She has specialized training in grief, miscarriage and infant loss. Amber is the heart and force behind San Antonio's "Shine On Remembrance Run."
Her rates start at $120
We are a private pay therapy provider. That means we do not bill your insurance directly. Paying for therapy out-of-pocket provides you with the benefits of confidentiality, which I value highly. When a therapist (or any medical provider) bills your insurance, a diagnosis is required and that diagnosis, along with whatever treatment you receive, is on record. That means other entities such as life or disability insurance providers will have access to your mental health history.
If you want to get reimbursed by your insurance provider for our work together, I am happy to provide you with monthly receipts. These receipts are called "superbills”. A superbill will require a diagnosis and treatment code so, while I'm delighted to provide them, remember this is an official disclosure of your diagnosis and treatment.
If you have a Health Spending Account and corresponding card I can bill to that in lieu of a credit card. You may be asked to provide a superbill at the end of the calendar year. Please check with your insurance provider first.